Robert D. Purrington


(Some of the species in this list have been recorded within a few blocks of the park or are reasonably surmised to have occurred in the park)




AB--abundant; C--common, FC--fairly common, U--uncommon, R--rare, O—occasional A--accidental

R--resident, M--migrant, FM--fall Migrant, SM—spring migrant, W—winter, S—summer

*--breeding, **--erratic


Greater White-fronted Goose  R-W

Snow Goose  U-W

Ross’s Goose R-W

Brant A-W

Canada Goose R-W

Wood Duck  U-R*

Green-winged Teal U-W

Mottled Duck R-R

Mallard R-W

N. Pintail R-W

Blue-winged Teal U-W

Cinnamon Teal A-W

N. Shoveler U-W

Gadwall U-W

American Wigeon U-W

Greater Scaup  R-W

Lesser Scaup U-W

Black Scoter R-W

Surf Scoter R-W

White-winged Scoter R-W

Common Goldeneye R-W

Bufflehead R-W

Hooded Merganser R-W

Red-breasted Merganser U-W

Ruddy Duck  R-W

Common Loon R-W

Pied-billed Grebe U-W

Horned Grebe R-W

Eared Grebe R-W

Am. White Pelican U-W

Brown Pelican U-R

Double-crested Cormorant  FC-W

Anhinga  UC/R-R

Magnificent Frigatebird R-S

American Bittern R-W

Least Bittern R-S

Great Blue Heron U-R

Great Egret FC-R

Snowy Egret FC-R

Little Blue Heron U-R

Tri-colored Heron U-R

Reddish Egret R-R

Cattle Egret FC-R

Green Heron C-S*

Black-crowned Night-Heron FC-R

Yellow-crowned Night-Heron FC-S

White Ibis C/FC-R

Glossy Ibis R-R

White-faced Ibis U-R

Roseate Spoonbill R-R

Wood Stork A-F

Black Vulture U-R

Turkey Vulture FC-R

Osprey U-R

Am. Swallow-tailed Kite U-SM

Mississippi Kite FC-S*

Bald Eagle R-W

Northern Harrier  U-W

Sharp-shinned Hawk U-W

Cooper’s Hawk FC/U-W,U-S*

Red-shouldered Hawk FC-R*

Broad-winged Hawk U-M

Red-tailed Hawk U-W

American Kestrel C-W

Merlin U-W

Peregrine Falcon U-W

Northern Bobwhite R-R

Virginia Rail U-M

Sora U-M

Purple Gallinule R-M

Common Moorhen U-R

American Coot  FC-W

Black-bellied Plover  R-W

American Golden Plover  R-SM

Kildeer C-R

Black-necked Stilt U-R

Greater Yellowlegs U-W

Lesser Yellowlegs U-W

Solitary Sandpiper U-M

Spotted Sandpiper  U-W

Upland Sandpiper U-M

Whimbrel R-SM

Semipalmated Sandpiper U-M

Western Sandpiper U-W

Least Sandpiper U-W

Pectoral Sandpiper U-M

Dunlin U-W

Stilt Sandpiper R-M

Buff-breasted Sandpiper R-M

Long-billed Dowitcher U-W

Common Snipe U-W

American Woodcock R-W

Wilson’s Phalarope R-M

Laughing Gull VC-R

Franklin’s Gull R-M

Bonaparte’s Gull U-W

Ring-billed Gull FC-W

Herring Gull U-W

Gull-billed Tern U-R

Caspian Tern R-W

Royal Tern U-W

Forster’s Tern U-W

Least Tern U-S

Black Tern U-M

Black Skimmer R-W

Rock Pigeon C-R*

Eurasian Collared-Dove FC-R*

White-winged Dove U-W

Mourning Dove C-R*

Common Ground-Dove R-W

Monk Parakeet U-R*

Black-billed Cuckoo U-M

Yellow-billed Cuckoo FC-M, U-S*

Groove-billed Ani U-W

Common Barn Owl U-R*

Eastern Screech-Owl FC-R*

Great Horned Owl U-R*

Barred Owl R-R

Lesser Nighthawk A-M

Common Nighthawk FC-S

Chuck-will’s-Widow U-M

Whip-poor-will U-M

Chimney Swift C-S*

Broad-billed Hummingbird A-W

Buff-bellied Hummingbird R-W

Ruby-throated Hummingbird U-S*

Black-chinned Humminbird R-W

Broad-tailed Hummingbird R-W

Belted Kingfisher FC-W

Red-headed Woodpecker R-M

Red-bellied Woodpecker C-R*

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker C-W

Downy Woodpecker C-R*

Hairy Woodpecker FC-R*

Northern Flicker FC-W [135]

Olive-sided Flycatcher U-SM

Western Wood-Pewee A-W

Eastern Wood-Pewee C-M

Yellow-bellied Flycatcher U-M

Acadian Flycatcher FC-M

Alder Flycatcher R?-M

Willow Flycatcher  R?-M

Least Flycatcher U-M

Eastern Phoebe C-W

Vermilion Flycatcher R-W

Ash-throated Flycatcher R-W

Great-crested Flycatcher C-S*

Western Kingbird U-M,R-W

Gray Kingbird A-M

Scissor-tailed Flycatcher U-M, R-W

White-eyed Vireo VC-M, U-W

Bell’s Vireo A-W

Blue-headed Vireo FC-W

Yellow-throated Vireo FC-M

Warbling Vireo U-M

Philadelphia Vireo U-M

Red-eyed Vireo C-M

Black-whiskered Vireo A-M

Purple Martin C-S

Tree Swallow C-W

Northern Rough-winged Swallow U-M

Bank Swallow U-M

Cliff Swallow R-M

Barn Swallow FC-S

Blue Jay C-R*

American Crow C-R*

Fish Crow U-W

Carolina Chickadee U-R

Tufted Timouse R-R

Red-breasted Nuthatch U-W

Brown Creeper U-W

Carolina Wren C-R*

Bewick’s Wren R-W

House Wren C-W

Winter Wren U-W

Sedge Wren R-W

Marsh Wren R-W

Golden-crowned Kinglet U-W

Ruby-crowned Kinglet C-W

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher C-M, FC-W

Eastern Bluebird R-R

Veery U-M

Gray-cheeked Thrush FC-M

Swainson’s Thrush FC-M

Hermit Thrush FC-W

Wood Thrush FC-M

American Robin C-W, U-R*

Gray Catbird VC-M, C-W

Northern Mockingbird C-R*

Brown Thrasher FC-W, R-R*

American Pipit U-W

Cedar Waxwing FC-W**

Loggerhead Shrike U-R*

European Starling AB-R*

Blue-winged Warbler U-M

Golden-winged Warbler U-M

Tennessee Warbler FC-M

Orange-crowned Warbler FC-W

Nashville Warbler U/R-FM

Northern Parula FC-M

Yellow Warbler FC-SM, VC-FM

Chestnut-sided Warbler U-M

Magnolia Warbler C-M

Cape May Warbler O-M

Black-throated Blue Warbler O-M

Yellow-rumped Warbler VC-W

Black-throated Gray Warbler O-W

Black-throated Green Warbler FC-M

Blackburnian Warbler U-M

Yellow-throated Warbler FC-M

Pine Warbler FC/U-W

Prairie Warbler R-SM, FC-FM

Palm Warbler U-W

Bay-breasted Warbler FC-M

Blackpoll Warbler O-SM

Cerulean Warbler U-M

Black-and-White Warbler C-M

American Redstart C-M

Prothonotary Warbler FC-M

Worm-eating Warbler FC-M

Swainson’s Warbler R-SM,O-FM

Ovenbird C-M

Northern Waterthrush C-M

Louisiana Waterthrush U-M

Kentucky Warbler FC-M

Mourning Warbler O-FM

Common Yellowthroat C-M, C-R*

Hooded Warbler FC-M

Wilson’s Warbler U-W

Canada Warbler U/R-FM

Painted Redstarat A-W

Yellow-breasted Chat FC-M

Summer Tanager C-M

Scarlet Tanager FC-M

Western Tanager O-W

Eastern Towhee U/R-R

Chipping Sparrow U-W

Clay-colored Sparrow R-FM

Field Sparrow U/R-W

Vesper Sparrow R-W

Lark Sparrow U-FM, R-W

Lark Bunting A-FM

Savannah Sparrow C-W

Grasshopper Sparrow U/R-W

LeConte’s Sparrow O-M

Fox Sparrow R-W**

Song Sparrow U-W

Lincoln’s Sparrow U/R-W

Swamp Sparrow C-W

White-throated Sparrow C-W

White-crowned Sparrow U-W

Dark-eyed Junco U-W

Northern Cardinal FC-R*

Rose-breasted Grosbeak FC-M

Black-headed Grosbeak R-W

Blue Grosbeak FC-M

Indigo Bunting VC-M

Painted Bunting FC-M, O-R

Dickcissel R-M

Bobolink O-SM

Red-winged Blackbird VC-R*

Eastern Meadowlark FC-R*

Yellow-headed Blackbird R-FM

Brewer’s Blackbird R-W

Boat-tailed Grackle C-R*

Common Grackle C-R*

Bronzed Cowbird U/R-R

Brown-headed Cowbird FC-R*

Orchard Oriole VC-M, O-R*

Baltimore Oriole FC-M, R-W

Bullock’s Oriole R/O-W

Scott’s Oriole A-W

Purple Finch U/R-W**

House Finch U-R*

Pine Siskin R-W

American Goldfinch C-W [276?]