Recent Photos, all or mostly by RDP
Photos of storm-petrels (mostly Wilson's) about 40 mi off South Pass on
June 10, 21002
Photograph of Great Kiskadee at Venice, LA, May 19, 1999 (RDP)
Two images of immature Swainson's Hawk on 2006 Venice CBC,
30 December (RDP).
Photo of (presumably) the same imm. Swainson's Hawk at Triumph, taken
28 January 2007. Photo by Purrington and Muth.
Ash-throated Flycatcher (note tail pattern) in Salt Cedar at Rutherford Beach, LA,
October 23-24 (David Muth, Rick Knight, Dan Purrington,photo 10/24). Photo RDP.
Tropical or Tropical/Couch's -type Kingbird at Lumcon/Fourchon, April 9, 2000. Photo
Another image of the probable Tropical Kingbird, April 9, 2000. Photo RDP
Intense fall migration birding at Grand Isle (photo B.M. Myers)
Wintering Rose-breasted Grosbeak at Cameron, Dec. 15, 2000.
Eastern Kingbird at Lacassine Pool
Purple Gallinule at Lacassine Pool, April 30, 2004
Upland Sandpiper on Exxon fields, April 17, 2004
Male Summer Tanager at Grand Isle
Male Bobolink at Grand Isle, April 24, 2004
Digi-scoped Semipalmated Sandpiper on Fourchon Rd., April 24, 2004
 of fairly early Louisiana
Waterthrush, Fourchon, 3/18/2001</h3>
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Black-throated Green Warbler at Port Fourchon, 17 October 2004. Photo RDP.
First Basic Great Black-backed Gull at Fourchon Beach, 27 March 2005
(Photo RDP).
Late first winter? Lesser Black-backed Gull on Fourcon Beach, 20 March
2005 (photo RDP).